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Take Note

This was a project assigned to me during my time with Career Foundry. The task was to create a note-taking app that allows users to create notes effortlessly. The style should have a “less, but better" feeling. Design should include at least five high-fidelity wireframes/concepts that will be pitched to the client investors.


Note Taking App 


March 2023

UI Designer


This design features simple, familiar components that are balanced and easy to understand. The complementary color scheme helps produce a sense of contrast and harmony. Fun simple vector imagery helps keep this design relevant to current design trends.

Untitled design.png
Group 84 1.png
Mask Group 1.png
Group 82 1.png
user flow.jpg

From my experience and some user feedback during some (quick) interviews, I narrowed down the description and function for my ideal note-taking app. I also identified the user target groups to keep in mind (most likely parents and students) due to the fact that my users were both students and/or parents. 

User Flow and Wireframes
This was something that had to be done quickly so I timed myself and drew a quick user flow that brought the user from the home page to create a note quickly and simply. The wireframes are balanced, simple and logical using 
familiar patterns and layouts.


Group 85.jpg

Mid and High Fidelity 
My focus here was to keep the imagery fun and light in order to appeal to both students and parents.
I chose to use bubbly typography and illustrations along with rounded edges within the shapes. 


Group 86.jpg

Key Takeaways and Outcomes
This was something that had to be done quickly so one of the aspects I enjoyed was the challenge of completing something within a deadline. One of the things I feel like I could have improved was spending more time with user interviews and finding out exactly what types of profile items, features and aspects of this type of app would be more beneficial. Overall, I feel like this is a great start and I'd love to have another chance to push this concept.


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